Join the Business Accelerator!
Overwhelmed? Not growing like you planned? Have an idea, but don’t know how to turn it into a business? Join us for the Business Accelerator!
What is the Business Accelerator?
The Business Accelerator is designed for Sole Proprietors, owners of existing businesses, and skilled labor who want to branch out on their own. If you have a product or service that you want to sell, but aren’t sure where to start, we will give you the tools to make it successful.
The Business Accelerator is a 10 week course that helps you create a comprehensive business plan for your existing company, your new line of service, for launching a startup. We cover Strategy, Planning, Finance, Marketing, and other topics essential for managing your business.
What To Expect.
Each session will focus on components of a comprehensive business plan. You will leave the course with an understanding of what each of these sections mean, how they affect your business, and how to plan for the future.
- 4 classroom sessions covering all the essential concepts necessary to create and grow your business
- 5 one-on-one coaching sessions to help you focus on your business and its unique challenges
- 1 seminar on pitching your idea to investors, bankers, partners, etc.
That’s 10 hours of business education, 5 hours of individual business coaching, and a completed Business Plan, which includes a Strategy, Financial Plan, Business Model, Marketing Plan, and Growth Plan tailored to your business. All for only $185! Over 1/3 off our regular price, and over 90% off of our full service Business Planning price.
A comprehensive business plan is essential to your success. Operating without a plan works for a while, but it inevitably cripples your company. Many businesses grow by accident, not by intention. Writing a plan helps show you where your company is strong, and where it is vulnerable.
- Planning makes new businesses 60% more likely to succeed in their 1st year.
- Companies with a plan grow 30% faster than companies without a plan
- 60% of small businesses that fail in America were profitable when they failed – they simply just…ran out of cash!
You invested in equipment and supplies, now invest in your success.
Don’t let these easily avoided problems ruin your dream. You put in the hard work, and created a service people use, product people want, and an experience people love. Protect your dream by planning for the future, following that plan, and growing on purpose!
This price is only available for the Business Accelerator course. Full service Business Plan services are available separately for a ‘full service’ price.
- Space is limited to the first 12 companies to respond
- Two attendees per company
- Individual coaching sessions will be in person, phone, or video chat.
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